Champagne Liébart-Régnier
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Did you know?

7 grape varieties are allowed in Champagne appellation


We can produce Champagne not only from 3 grapes varieties. You probably know the 3 main grape varieties of Champagne’s area : Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Meunier, but did you know that we can produce Champagne as well with : Pinot Blanc, Arbane, Petit Meslier and Pinot Gris ?

Those « forgotten » grape varieties represent less than 1% of Champagne’s vineyards and are planted in our family’s vineyards.
Cuvée Hortï is made from few rows of Petit Meslier, Arbane and Pinot Blanc. Each grape variety with its own singularity express together harmoniously and offers an unique experience.

This Cuvée aged in oak barrel is available in limited quantity.